Montag, 28. April 2008

Will the Personal Jet Pack Ever Get off the Ground? [Extreme Tech]

The idea of soaring through the sky with nothing more than a suitcase-sized rocket strapped to one's back has captured the public's imagination since rocket packs were first introduced shortly after World War II. And when James Bond strapped one on over his tux in Thunderball, its fascination only grew. Yet, with the exception of the occasional demonstration at a Pro Bowl game, parade or convention, the rocket pack has remained mostly grounded, a vision of the future that never quite materialized. They are loud (about 160 decibels--enough to rupture an eardrum), require quite a bit of skill to fly, and can only stay aloft for about 30 seconds--hardly enough time for even Bond to vanquish any threat posed by SPECTRE. [More]

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